Culture encompasses the way of life, arts, beliefs, values, and traditions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Cultural learning and awareness are lifelong endeavors.

CultureReady’s resources and training can help you explore, expand your knowledge about and meaningfully engage with the cultures of the world.
What We Offer
We provide training and resources that enable you to:
  Explore what life is like in other countries and foster mutual respect
  Expand your language and culture knowledge as critical skills
  Engage with a nation’s citizens and cultivate a shared understanding
Who We Are
Our mission is to expand cultural awareness and language expertise among members of the armed forces and U.S. Government employees to ensure defense readiness and create a workforce ready to serve 21st century national security needs. Through training and resources that nurture culture learning, CultureReady empowers people to engage with other cultures in ways that foster mutual respect and understanding.

 “Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world.” ~Rumi 

CultureReady is a website of the Defense Language and National Security Education Office